Monday 8 August 2011

Fisher House by Louis Kahn 1:50

The Fisher House at 1:50 scale shows the aesthetic details of the house. Not every minuscule detail can be modelled so a focus on the scale and space size was chosen. 
This meant modelling key features like the room divisions, stairs and inbuilt features like the seat, but omitting details like furniture and window frames. 

For the sleeping-quarter square house, the floor plan was more complex, so the levels are stacked to form the model. This allows each level to be taken off and viewed as a floor plan (which is the most effective way to gain an image of the inside of this house).

The second house consists of a basement and double height space ground floor. I thought this idea of space and engagement to the landscape through the larger windows was better communicated by dividing the model up differently. This part of the house is divided into three vertical sections.

Although not every detail was included in this model, particular attention was paid to the inbuilt seat at one of the windows. 

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